1 NGI’s Andrew Baker writes about how Mexico’s energy regulator (CRE) is losing independence according to some of its former commissioners:
2 Areli Morales writes a touching obituary about Filiberto González, a Oaxacan migrant from San Pedro Cajonos. The piece was published both in Zapotec and English in L.A. Taco:
Zapotec: https://www.lataco.com/zapoteco-filiberto-gonzalez/
English: https://www.lataco.com/zapoteco-covid-obituary/
3 Democratic members of US House Ways and Means Committee demand the Trump Administration not to delay the support to worker-focused capacity in Mexico as agreed under USMCA:
4 Suleman Anaya takes a stroll down the streets in Mexico City to find the forgotten works of architect Luis Barragán:
5 CFR´s Shannon O’Neil writes about how Mexico’s economic and security crisis could unleash a new migration wave to the US: