• SELF-BUILT: A large majority of the 33.3 million of occupied homes in Mexico (70%) are self-built units financed mostly through savings or other kind of personal resources showing the lack of access to Mexico’s financial sector along with large degree of informality, according to government data.
• SAVINGS: In its annual report by the country’s agency devoted to provide workers with mortgage credit (INFONAVIT), a new report shows that among those doing self-building, a total of 79% said they self-built a home using savings and other kinds of income.
• INFORMALITY: “Those geographical areas with high informality and poor economic growth..make more often for people to turn to the use of informal solutions such as self-building with own resources or force to the overcrowding inside the home”, the study says.
• CREDIT: Almost all of people in the lowest income brackets in Mexico (93.5%) reported to self-build their homes. This is notable given that much less people in the top income bracket (45%) report to have opted to self-build their homes. Self-building is still the largest share of housing value.